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Setup IMDB Database

  1. Download the IMDB Dataset.

  2. Execute node create-db-copy-files.js to create the copy files.

  3. Copy the files to the server. scp *.sql ip-address:/home/imdb

  4. On the server, execute the following commands:

dokku postgres:create hfr-imdb
dokku postgres:expose hfr-imdb

DB_URL=$(dokku postgres:info hfr-imdb --dsn | sed 's/@.*:/@localhost:/')
NEW_DB=$(echo $DB_URL | sed 's/5432\/.*/5432\/imdb/')
echo $DB_URL > imdb/DB_URL
echo $NEW_DB > imdb/NEW_DB
docker cp imdb/ $(dokku postgres:info hfr-imdb --id):/home/imdb

dokku postgres:enter hfr-imdb

cd /home/imdb
psql $(cat DB_URL) -f ./_1-create-db.sql
psql $(cat NEW_DB) -f ./_2-setup-db.sql
psql $(cat NEW_DB) -f ./_3-restore-db.sql


Problem: COPY does not work when a single line is erroneous.

ERROR:  insert or update on table "humans_movies" violates foreign key constraint "humans_movies_movie_id_fkey"
DETAIL: Key (movie_id)=(tt16607280) is not present in table "movies"

To remove the erroneous line, you can use the following command:

sed -i '/tt16607280/d' humans_movies.sql

and reimport this file:

psql $(cat NEW_DB) -c "COPY humans_movies FROM '/home/imdb/humans_movies.sql';"

Unknown Entries 16.08.2023

The following keys are in humans_movies.sql but not found in movies.sql:

  • tt8885954
  • tt16607280
  • tt14469846
  • tt27415372
  • tt27866357
  • tt10857444
  • tt9676044
  • tt9685030
  • tt12247918
  • tt11812250
  • tt10452116
  • tt14703146
  • tt27411480
  • tt13853058
  • tt22183860
  • tt14273900
  • tt18116552
  • tt3644138
  • tt20356568
  • tt21051790
  • tt3435486
  • tt21411828
  • tt22050582
  • tt27685422
  • tt21237486
  • tt23767348
  • tt27147468
  • tt25429502
  • tt27493989
  • tt27936112
  • tt28108823
  • tt27310698
  • tt27929191
  • tt7303822

eventually it is easier at one point to split the file into multiple files:

NR=$(awk '/tt21237486/{ print NR; exit }' humans_movies.sql)
split -l $NR humans_movies.sql human_movs_
-- for text search gin + trigram indexes (reduces search time from ~3s to ~50ms)
CREATE INDEX ON movies USING gin (primary_title gin_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX ON movies USING gin (original_title gin_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX ON humans USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);

-- for eq-comparison a normal btree index is faster
CREATE INDEX ON movies(primary_title);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(original_title);
CREATE INDEX ON humans(name);

CREATE INDEX ON movies(type);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(primary_title);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(original_title);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(is_adult);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(start_year);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(end_year);
CREATE INDEX ON movies(runtime_minutes);

CREATE INDEX ON humans(name);
CREATE INDEX ON humans(birth_year);
CREATE INDEX ON humans(death_year);

CREATE INDEX ON humans_movies(human_id);
CREATE INDEX ON humans_movies(movie_id);

CREATE INDEX ON ratings(averageRating);
CREATE INDEX ON ratings(numVotes);
CREATE INDEX ON ratings(movie_id);